| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
BobFromMarketing | 3630 |     | yesterday | "Just beat risk of rain on monsoon mode :toot:" |
2 |
koahi | 2831 |     | today | "but the moment i stop i explode" |
3 |
Fin1712 | 1630 |    | yesterday | "what areas are u thinking about" |
4 |
badass | 1597 |    | today | "pasta you mean LuciaDenniard" |
5 |
leetcheese | 1570 |    | today | "KesperNorth: how was next (sorry couldn't find you anyone)" |
6 |
Xolve | 1518 |     | today | "that's just asking to get rekt" |
7 |
wirty | 1444 |     | yesterday | "there is an anime version fo 2hu" |
8 |
anderton | 1145 |     | yesterday | "and it turned out to be legit" |
9 |
doublestep | 1116 |     | yesterday | "its near water and some mineral areas" |
10 |
pitts | 992 |     | today | "https://twitter.com/WSJbreakingnews/status/509463917098442752" |
11 |
LuciaDenniard | 927 |     | yesterday | "you're generally pretty fucked" |
12 |
jezza | 814 |     | today | "then roll catte alt and just snapchat you pictures" |
13 |
Sabine | 755 |    | yesterday | "lol scam shitizen mk2 https://transversegame.com/" |
14 |
Daruna | 738 |     | yesterday | "and then as soon as we fucking roll out" |
15 |
Don_Peyote | 717 |    | yesterday | "now im wishing i was locked in a cage" |
16 |
Livonian | 565 |    | today | "thrustmaster warthog if you arent" |
17 |
J5Abot | 557 |     | today | "YouTube Title: Preview Views: 6 Length: 2:32 User: doink9731" |
18 |
Haquer | 516 |     | yesterday | "I've never cared for rumble though, so maybe that's me" |
19 |
verb | 453 |     | today | "yeah i've been getting the allergen shit in my eyes" |
20 |
Chinchy | 448 |    | yesterday | "and i have been listening for 3 minutes now" |
21 |
Powers | 446 |     | yesterday | "[16:19:35] <wirty> im baking apple right now" |
22 |
Doink9731 | 442 |     | today | "i had a really mean comeback to that" |
23 |
canned | 433 |    | today | "though DON'T GIVE DOINK ISK is accurate" |
24 |
ronmexxico | 417 |     | 3 days ago | "http://evemaps.dotlan.net/corp/STEEL_CITY." |
25 |
MadzNegro | 416 |   | yesterday | "much closer than when i left" |
Is LaianLanLei1 stupid or just asking too many questions? 22.6% lines contained a question!
rachelenwelle didn't know that much either. 18.5% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was rachelenwelle, who yelled 31.5% of the time!
Another old yeller was cheesetoast, who shouted 25.0% of the time!
It seems that nan's shift-key is hanging: 18.8% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <nan> USA WINS AGAIN
NickFuzzeh just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 12.4% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
replicator brings happiness to the world. 23.2% lines contained smiling faces. :)
PMSing isn't a sad person either, smiling 7.0% of the time.
PMSing seems to be sad at the moment: 4.2% lines contained sad faces. :(
velyks is also a sad person, crying 3.8% of the time.
J5Abot wrote the longest lines, averaging 94.3 letters per line.
#zulu average was 28.9 letters per line. |
Fin1712 wrote the shortest lines, averaging 13.7 characters per line.
BlueMajere was tight-lipped, too, averaging 15.5 characters. |
BobFromMarketing spoke a total of 19175 words!
BobFromMarketing's faithful follower, koahi, didn't speak so much: 11789 words.
benluke1 wrote an average of 25.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.35 words per line.
pitts wasn't very popular, getting kicked 82 times! For example, like this: *** pitts was kicked by BobFromMarketing
BobFromMarketing seemed to be hated too: 12 kicks were received.
BobFromMarketing is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 113 people!
BobFromMarketing's faithful follower, Katie_Corb, kicked about 36 people.
Katie_Corb donated 678 ops in the channel...
zenki was also very polite: 1 ops from him/her.
Fin1712 is the channel sheriff with 2 deops.
leetcheese deoped 2 users.
Calmoto1 always lets us know what he/she's doing: 4 actions! For example, like this: * Calmoto1 dat slope https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=AAPL
Also, badass tells us what's up with 2 actions.
BobFromMarketing talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 68 times!
Another lonely one was Fin1712, who managed to hit 42 times.
badass couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 650 joins during this reporting period! |
XanderPhoena has quite a potty mouth. 3.2% words were foul language.
ttocszed00 also makes sailors blush, 2.2% of the time.
Total number of lines: 60447.